How funny, right? No lie, it's the meanest e-cards that crack me up the most. Those are also the ones that I want to be reflected in my life the least. So while this whole revenge being ice cream thing is funny on the surface it is not something I want to live out. The truth of the matter is that revenge is not sweet. It's bitter, it's hard, it's hurtful; revenge may feel good on the surface, but much like ice cream, it leaves us fatter, colder, and more empty than when we began.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1
Revenge is a weight that easily clings to us. It will drag us down and pin us to the ground if we let it. We weren't meant to seek revenge; it is not our place. So that lady that put her cart behind my car while I was putting my cart away; maybe I shouldn't roll it into the side of her car while she's driving away. Maybe I ought to be a good example to my witnesses (namely, the mini diva) and simply put it away and extend some grace. While I want to yell at the lady for being so discourteous; it does not make a good example for my children, her child, the Walmart parking lot, and more than that, it makes me feel gross to be rude. Just like ice cream: I want to eat the whole pint, but it's going to make me feel sick once I've done the deed. Life is easier if I altogether avoid Ben & Jerry. (I hear you screaming, "Blasphemy!!!" Ha!)
Be encouraged today: lose the weight. Choose how you respond wisely; after all, you've got witnesses. Are they going to testify that you were innocent or that you were just as bad as the original offender? One little story then I'm stopping for now: The mini diva and I were on our way to Starbucks yesterday (where else would we have a girl date?) when there were some cars in front of us driving at snail speed. Seriously, I think I saw an earthworm pass us. I was being fairly patient; mini me, however, was unhappy with the pace of traffic. So, she did what I typically do. She yelled, "C'mon, guys! Move it!" Yikes. Talk about a reality check.
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Romans 12:18
I challenge you to choose peace over revenge. It's worth it to be sweet and filled with peace instead of anger and regret. Just try it, you might like it. :)
Hmmm, me thinks I have seen this e-card before. This quote is in my favorite Star Trek movie of all time, "The Wrath of Khan". And to be honest, I have no clue what it means..revenge is best served cold. I heard it quoted on tv this week on a talk show. And they suggested the best revenge is to be successful, and another said, best revenge is to go on and don't acknowledge the person that u want revenge with. The Lord says Vengence is His, and He will repay. That is a scary place to be...which should send us to our knees. I think I shall let God deal with whomever I have issue with..and yes, I do have issues with certain people, but I learned, give them to God, let Him have His outcome...And notice Paul said, If it be possible, live peaceably..sometimes it's not possible..I learned that recently..;-)
ReplyDeleteHeidiva, u are an excellent writer.
Hmm.. I think that by avoiding the person you can't live peaceably with that you are, in a sense, figuring a way to live peaceably with them. You figure a way to at least have peace when you have to be around them. And I think that if cold revenge should be compared to anything, it would be the coldish leftover burnt hashbrown casserole that I left in my crockpot for well over 24 hours. Blech! And as far as receiving revenge... I'm glad that God and those who live around me have been merciful. I certainly don't deserve it, but I'm grateful to be forgiven and loved by good people and a good God.